Membership Renewals

CVCWA Membership for 2023-24 is open.  Interested in becoming a member?  Contact us or follow the link below.  Active members should have received their membership dues invoices in September.  If you have not received yours, please contact our office.


CVCWA is the voice of Central Valley wastewater agencies in regulatory matters on the local, regional and state level.

Upcoming Events


The Central Valley Clean Water Association is a non-profit association of public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling services to residents and businesses.

Who We Are

CVCWA is currently comprised of over 50 public wastewater collection and treatment member agencies, representing over 7 million people in the Central Valley.

Our Mission

CVCWA’s mission is to effectively represent the interests of wastewater agencies in the Central Valley in regulatory matters and to support the exchange of information so members can best meet their business challenges.

Our Work Groups

The majority of the activities are done through work groups made up from the CVCWA general membership.

Participation on the work groups is voluntary. At meetings, CVCWA members discuss issues of interest, such as new regulations and recent scientific findings. Often, the work group will work on projects and/or have presentation on topics of interest at the meetings.

Our Advocacy

Water quality in California is regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board and nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards.

CVCWA works with both the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board and the State Water Board to effect reasonable local and state regulations impacting wastewater treatment plants and wastewater and storm drain collections systems in the Central Valley.

Become a Member

Regular membership classes in CVCWA are open to cities, counties, local agencies and private companies who directly manage or oversee municipal or industrial wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems and/or industrial waste control programs.  Membership includes voting and Association officer rights and privileges.

Affiliate membership class includes public wastewater agencies outside the boundaries of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB), private industry not regulated by the CVRWQCB, consultants, individuals, and other wastewater industry organizations.  Membership does not include voting and Association officer rights and privileges.