The Regional Water Board’s Tentative Order for would require Mariposa County Lake Don Pedro Wastewater Treatment Facility to submit an individual, facility-specific Salinity Management Plan. The groundwater in the area is of good quality well below the recommended secondary MCL. In addition, the source water is a combination of very low salinity surface water and low salinity groundwater. CVCWA commented that it does not believe that a Salinity Management Plan is warranted for this facility considering its specific circumstances.
Dear Mr. Palmer:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to submit these comments on the tentative waste discharge requirements (Tentative Order) for the Linda County Water District’s (District) Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). CVCWA is a non-profit organization representing more than 50 publicly owned treatment works throughout the Central Valley Region in regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge, land application, and water reuse. We approach these matters with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law.
Dear Ms. Soria:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to submit these comments on the tentative waste discharge requirements (Tentative Order) for the Lamont Public Utilities District Wastewater Treatment Facility (Lamont WWTF). CVCWA is a non-profit organization that represents more than 50 publicly owned treatment works throughout the Central Valley Region in regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge, land application, and water reuse. We approach these matters with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law.
Dear Ms. Sullivan:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) offers these comments for consideration by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) staff on the Delta Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) June 14, 2012 Draft Framework (Draft Framework). CVCWA represents more than 50 public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. There are no fewer than fourteen publically owned treatment works (POTW) and combined sewer system (CSS) member agencies within the legally defined Delta.
Dear Mr. Hatton:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to submit these comments on the tentative waste discharge requirements (Tentative Order) for the Hume Lake Christian Camps Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). CVCWA is a non-profit organization that represents more than 50 publicly owned treatment works throughout the Central Valley Region in regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge, land application, and water reuse. We approach these matters with a perspective that balances environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law.
Dear Ms. Thayer:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to submit these comments on the proposed order to amend Order No. R5-2005-0040 (NPDES No. CA0085103) (Proposed Order), which consists of a master reclamation permit for the City of Lincoln (Lincoln). CVCWA is a non-profit organization representing more than 50 publicly owned treatment works throughout the Central Valley Region in regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge, land application, and water reuse. We approach these matters with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law.
Dear Ms. Matthews:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to submit these comments on the tentative waste discharge requirements (Tentative Order) for the Delleker Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of the Grizzly Lake Community Services District
(District). CVCWA is a non-profit organization representing more than 50 publicly owned treatment works throughout the Central Valley Region in regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge, land application, and water reuse. We approach these matters with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. Upon reviewing the Tentative Order, CVCWA has concerns with respect to several issues. First, CVCWA is concerned with the proposed application (or lack thereof) of appropriate dilution credits. Second, CVCWA is concerned with the reasonable potential analysis statements concerning ammonia. Third, CVCWA is concerned with groundwater limitations for electrical conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids (TDS). CVCWA’s comments and recommendations with respect to these issues are provided herein.
Dear Ms. Littlejohn:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to provide these comments as part of the Central Valley Water Quality Control Board’s (Central Valley Water Board) California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) scoping process. CVCWA is a non-profit organization that represents publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) throughout the Central Valley Region in regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge and land application. We approach these matters with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with applicable law. We are submitting these comments because the effort to evaluate the MUN use in agriculturally (Ag) dominated water bodies of the Central Valley and to develop subsequent Basin Plan amendments may have significant impacts on CVCWA’s members and other POTWs throughout the Region.
Dear Ms. Townsend:
The Central Valley Clear Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on the Supplemental Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Notice of Scoping Meeting for Environmental Documentation for the Update and Implementation of the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Bay-Delta Plan). CVCWA is a non-profit organization representing more than 50 publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) throughout the Central Valley Region, including POTWs that discharge to the Bay-Delta. CVCWA represents its members on a number of regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge, land application, and water reuse. We approach these matters with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law.
Dear Mr. Jabusch,
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to review and provide comments on the draft Pulse of the Delta. CVCWA is a nonprofit association of local public agencies providing wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling in the Central Valley. CVCWA’s primary purpose is to exchange information and provide a unified voice on regulatory issues affecting publically owned treatment works (POTWs) throughout the region.
Contact CVCWA
Central Valley Clean Water Association
101 W McKnight Way, Ste B103
Grass Valley, CA 95949
(530) 268-1338
Our Mission… to effectively represent the interests of wastewater agencies in the Central Valley in regulatory matters and to support the exchange of information so member agencies can best meet their business challenges.