Comments of the Central Valley Clean Water Association Regarding SWRCB/OCC Files A-2144(a) and A-2144(b) – Petitions of Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and California Sportfishing Protection Alliance

Dear Chairman Hoppin and Members of the Board:

The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) submits these comments on the proposed order in the Petitions of Sacramento County Sanitation District and California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R5-2010-0114 [NPDES NO. CA0077682] for the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Sacramento County) (hereafter “Proposed Order”). CVCWA is a non-profit organization whose members include publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) throughout the Central Valley Region. We represent our members in regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge and land application with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. Because the Proposed Order would have far-reaching consequences for POTWs throughout the Region, we offer the following comments.