Dear CVCWA Member:

It has been a difficult year for all of us as we rapidly pulled together to address the COVID-19 pandemic facing our country and the world.  On behalf of the Central Valley Water Association (CVCWA), leadership and staff, I want to thank you for your service and response during these trying times.  California’s wastewater agencies continued to provide vital services and helped ensure the health and safety of our local communities. Clean water professionals are one of the unsung heroes of this pandemic.

The crisis certainly didn’t slow down regulatory deliberations and changes.  Due to your support, CVCWA was able to continue to provide regulatory advocacy, regulatory awareness training and outreach.  With your agency’s renewal, we can remain a strong, effective voice for Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) in the Central Valley that provide wastewater collection and treatment services, biosolids management and water recycling services to our Central Valley residents and businesses.

Our world was turned upside down over the last year but what didn’t change was CVCWA’s commitment to its members to successfully advocate at both the regional and state level for reasonable permitting and policy approaches that meet water quality goals without unnecessary costs to your agency or the people you serve.  The format for testimony and comments may have been different, but our mission remained the same.

Over the last year CVCWA has continued its work on these regulatory efforts and special projects:

  • Central Valley NPDES and WDR Permits
  • Toxicity and other Statewide Policies and Provisions
  • Laboratory (ELAP) requirements
  • Pyrethroid Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
  • PFAS and other Emerging Constituents
  • Nutrients such as Ammonia and Nitrate
  • Regional Monitoring
  • Collection System WDR
  • Biosolids
  • Methylmercury TMDL
  • Climate Resiliency

We are certainly living in unprecedented times with many challenges, not only the global pandemic but social unrest and water shortages.  Regardless, California’s POTWs must continue to provide high quality services to their constituents and protect the environment. CVCWA’s goal is to mitigate any unnecessary impact to your operations and provide resources your agency needs to perform as a highly functional POTW.

Your invoice reflects the dues schedule approved by the CVCWA Board of Directors. For our POTW members, this year there is a surcharge to support CVCWA’s continuous participation in CV-SALTS. Compliance with the CV-SALTS new nitrate and salt requirements will be a challenge to all POTWs.  CVCWA is committed to continue to be engaged in all CV-SALTS deliberations, keep our members updated on CV-SALTS and Central Valley Salinity Coalition efforts and look for collaborative opportunities which could mitigate the cost of compliance.  CVCWA leadership knows this is a critical regulatory effort which impacts all of our POTW members and engagement in CV-SALTS needs to be a priority in the next year.  These funds will support CVCWA’s enhanced participation and advocacy at all CV-SALTS meetings and a guarantee a seat at the table of the Central Valley Salinity Coalition.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the renewal process, please contact CVCWA staff at or by calling 530-268-1338.

Thank you for your continued support of CVCWA!  Standing together we have a stronger voice.

Debbie Mackey
CVCWA Executive Officer