Topics and Issues
- Promote environmentally sound recycling of Biosolids
- Provide updates to the general CVCWA membership on the status of Biosolids regulations and related issues
- Assist CASA in defense of the General Order for Land Application of Biosolids and coordinating with their Biosolids Manager
- Coordinate with other Biosolids organizations
- Foster cooperation among governmental agencies, regulators, private corporations, the agricultural community, and the general public in the management of Biosolids
- Help provide education and supporting materials to avoid further creation of county ordinances in the Central Valley that ban land application of Biosolids
- Actively support the Standing Positions
Standing Positions
Following are key positions that pertain to the Biosolids Committee. The committees and members of CVCWA can advocate these positions in legislation, regulation, or other forums in accordance with applicable standing rules for CVCWA. Because not every Biosolids issue can be foreseen, many of these positions are broad in nature to allow the committee and CVCWA the flexibility to act in a timely manner without needing approval by the Board.
- Support the environmentally sound use of Biosolids
- Support the continued development of the CASA Biosolids Program, and provide the CASA program manager assistance as appropriate.
- Support the National Biosolids Partnership.
- Support the SWRCB Biosolids General Order
- Support the EPA Biosolids 40 CFR 503 Biosolids Regulations and the underlying science.
- Support and rely on the information contained in Water Environment Federation Biosolids Position Papers and the California Water Environment Association Manual of Good Practice for Agricultural Application of Biosolids.
- Support the voluntary implementation of Biosolids Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
For additional information on Biosolids issues please visit the California Association of Sanitation Agencies, Biosolids Program website. The site includes:
- Biosolids Fact Sheet – very useful when providing Biosolids outreach to the general public, or someone requests basic information on Biosolids.
- Links – a comprehensive listing of websites that provide Biosolids related information
- Regulatory Information – existing Biosolids regulations
- Research/Publications – existing and ongoing Biosolids research
- Surveys – Biosolids management practices survey in California.
More Information
If you would like more information or are considering getting involved in this committee, please send us an email at We look forward to hearing from you!