A Guide for Developing and Updating of Sewer System Management Plans (SSMPs)
CVCWA, CASA, CASSE, CWEA, BACWA, SCAP, City of Richmond, and West Bay Sanitary District have prepared a guide entitled “A Guide for Developing and Updating of Sewer System Management Plans (SSMPs).” This guide is available as a free resource on the CVCWA website.
Click here to download the PDF guide. (1.3 MB)
Statewide Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Collection Systems
CVCWA and Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) have prepared a manual for collection system owners titled “Best Management Practices for Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Reduction Strategies”. This manual is available as a free resource on the CVCWA and BACWA websites. The final manual was approved by the CVCWA Board of Directors on December 2, 2009. It will be updated periodically as significant changes are identified, and the updates will be posted here.
Click here to download the PDF manual. (6 MB)
Please see important information in the Introduction section before using this manual.
General Topics and Issues
The committee is working to develop and distribute information about individual wastewater collection systems NPDES Permits and will develop technical, economic, financial and scientific information about permit issues and participate in forums with State, USEPA and other organizations. This may involve the following activities:
- Develop and agree on a preliminary list of issues for the committee to work on;
- Disseminate information on the implementation of CMOM requirements;
- Disseminate information on Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs);
- Build partnerships with the State and Regional Boards to define and solve wastewater collection systems issues.
More Information
If you would like more information or are considering getting involved in this committee, please send us an email at admin@cvcwa.org. We look forward to hearing from you!