Dear Chairman Hoppin and Members:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates this opportunity to comment on the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) June 2012 Policy for Toxicity Assessment and Control – Public Review Draft (Draft Policy) and Draft Staff Report and Environmental Checklist (Draft Staff Report).

CVCWA consists of public agencies located within the Central Valley region, and under the jurisdiction of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. Our members provide wastewater collection, treatment and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. CVCWA is also a co-signatory on comments sent by the Associations (CASA, Tri-TAC, SCAP, BACWA, CVCWA, and RCRC). In addition to those comments, this letter provides additional detailed comments on issues of greatest importance to CVCWA. Our specific comments are included below.