Climate Change. CV-SALTS. Methylmercury. Toxicity. Ammonia.CVCWA has been working together with you and other stakeholders to address these and other regulatory and water quality issues for over a decade. Now the outcome of these collaborative efforts is closer than ever to affecting your discharge permits and compliance efforts. Join us to hear about these other important regulatory updates to help prepare you for requirements that are coming. Learn how, through CVCWA, we can work together to help shape the future of wastewater regulation by effecting reasonable, science-based regulations that address important environmental issues. Participate in discussions with experts and regulatory leaders on these issues.
Discover new tools that can help you prepare for disasters and the future. Meet new people and touch bases with other colleagues. The theme of this conference is “Meet Today’s Challenges and Prepare for the Future.” Our conference program includes six presentations and a short annual membership meeting. Come meet the new Central Valley Water Board Executive Officer who will be discussing Regional Water Board priorities as they relate to permitting, enforcement, and policies. In addition to these topics, morning and afternoon group discussion sessions will provide opportunities for the audience to engage the speakers, and the morning and lunch breaks will encourage networking.
I would like to extend our thanks to the volunteers who helped organize and staff this exciting conference, to SASD and Regional San for again providing their facility free of charge, and of course to all who are joining us at the conference and helping to make this another successful event.
See you there!
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CVCWA is excited to present online conference registration! Register online today and pay online with your credit card or print your invoice and submit a check later.
Register by April 30, 2018 to guarantee your spot and to receive the pre-registration discount!
Due to space limitations, conference attendance is limited to 125 people. On-site registrations will only be accepted as space allows at the increased price of $165.
Registrants who do not pay at the time of registration commit to pay registration fees within 4 weeks of registration.CANCELLATION POLICY:
The registration deadline for CVCWA’s 2018 conference is May 4, 2018. Refunds less a $25.00 cancellation fee will be given for cancellations received in writing to prior to May 4, 2018. After this date you may send an alternate from your agency to the event without additional charge, although we request 48-hour advance notice if possible. To request a cancellation or to make a change please send an email to