CVCWA Annual Conference

SASD/Regional San Office Building 10060 Goethe Road, Sacramento, CA, United States

CVCWA will be holding it's Annual Membership Meeting on Monday, June 29th at 1:00 pm. The meeting will have no formal business but will give a members a update on projects, membership and other exciting things CVCWA has worked on in the 2019-2020 membership year! Registration is required to receive the zoom link to the […]

Board of Directors Meeting

SASD/Regional San Office Building 10060 Goethe Road, Sacramento, CA, United States

Roundtable on the SWB’s Proposed Toxicity Policy

SASD/Regional San Office Building 10060 Goethe Road, Sacramento, CA, United States

The roundtable will only be open to CVCWA members and space is limited to 40 attendees. Please click here to register!

CVCWA Laboratory Workgroup Meeting

SASD/Regional San Office Building 10060 Goethe Road, Sacramento, CA, United States

Click here to register and access the call in information!

Laboratory Accreditation Workshop introducing the California Quality Management System (CA QMS)


The SWB is in the process of passing new environmental laboratory accreditation regulations that will have a significant effect on the operations of accredited labs in California. In response to these regulations the lab community has worked together to develop an alternative accreditation system called the California Quality Management System (CA QMS) that is much […]

CV-SALTS Implementation “Workshop for POTWs”

Workshop - CV-SALTS Implementation for Publicly Owned Treatment Works and other Wastewater Treatment Plants CVCWA is teaming with the Central Valley Regional Water Board and the Central Valley Salinity Coalition to provide outreach to the municipal wastewater collection, treatment and recycling community (aka POTWs) to inform the POTW community of upcoming implementation of Phase 1 […]

CV-SALTS Webinar: Nitrate Control Program: Permitting Pathways and Management Zones

This workshop will provide an overview of the CV-SALTS Nitrate Control Program and information on its two compliance pathway options, key deliverables, and timelines. Management Zones and Early action Plans will also be discussed.  POTWs and other wastewater treatment plants with groundwater discharges, Water Recyclers, Biosolids Application Sites and Compost Agencies, are encouraged to attend. […]