Dear Ms. Littlejohn:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) and California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and Tulare Lake Basin to Establish a Region-‐Wide Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use Evaluation Process in Agriculturally Dominated Surface Water Bodies and Remove the MUN Beneficial Use from 231 Constructed or Modified Ag Drains in the San Luis Canal Company (Draft Amendments). CVCWA is a non-‐profit association of public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. We approach these matters with the perspective of balancing environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. For 60 years, CASA has been the leading voice for public wastewater agencies on regulatory, legislative and legal issues. We are an association of local agencies, engaged in advancing the recycling of wastewater into usable water, generation of renewable energy, and other valuable resources. Through these efforts we help create a clean and sustainable environment for Californians.
CVCWA Comments on Renewal of Waste Discharge Requirements and NPDES Permit for the River Highlands
Dear Mr. Taylor:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates this opportunity to provide comments on the Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements and NPDES permit for the River Highlands Community Services District (River Highlands CSD) Hammonton Gold Village Wastewater Treatment Plant (Tentative Order). CVCWA is a non-profit association of public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. We approach these matters with the perspective of balancing environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. In this letter, we provide comments regarding the toxicity trigger of >1 toxic unit.
Comprehensive (Phase 2) Bay-Delta Technical Workshops
Dear Ms. Riddle:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the format and questions for workshops on the Comprehensive (Phase 2) Review of Bay-Delta Plan. CVCWA is a non-profit organization representing more than 50 publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) throughout the Central Valley Region, including POTWs that discharge to the Bay-Delta. CVCWA represents its members on a number of regulatory matters affecting surface water discharge, land application, and water reuse. We approach these matters with a perspective to balance environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law.
Comments on the Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements Order R5-‐2013-‐XXXX (NPDES No. CA0079243), City of Lodi White Slough Water Pollution Control Facility, San Joaquin County
Dear Ms. Harder:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (“CVCWA”) appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on the tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for the City of Lodi White Slough Water Pollution Control Facility (“Tentative Order”). CVCWA is a non-‐profit association of public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. We approach these matters with the perspective of balancing environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. In this spirit, we provide the following comments on the effluent limitation for temperature, reasonable potential determinations based on best professional judgment and the turbidity discussion in the Fact Sheet.
Proposal to Conduct and Environmental DNA (eDNA) Pilot Study for the Phase IIa Freshwater Mussel Collaborative Study for Wastewater Treatment Plants
Dear Ms. Webster:
Robertson-Bryan, Inc. (RBI) is pleased to present this proposal to provide services to conduct an environmental DNA (eDNA) pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of using eDNA to make defensible presence/absence determinations regarding freshwater mussels in POTW’s receiving waters. This work would be conducted as “Phase IIa” of the Freshwater Mussel Collaborative Study for Wastewater Treatment Plants. As you know, Phase I examined the current state of knowledge regarding freshwater mussels in water bodies of the Central Valley, identified the field methods for determining if mussels are present or absent in a water body, and provided guidance on the regulatory options for compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) 2013 ammonia criteria.
Comments on the Tentative Order Amending Waste Disharge Requirements for Sacramento-‐San Joaquin Delta Dischargers
Dear Ms. Holmes:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Tentative Order Amending Waste Discharge Requirements for Sacramento-‐San Joaquin Delta Dischargers (Tentative Order). CVCWA is a non-‐profit association of public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. We approach these matters with the perspective of balancing environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. In this letter, we provide the following comments regarding the implementation of the Delta Regional Monitoring Plan (RMP).
Comments of the Central Valley Clean Water Association Regarding SWRCB/OCC Files A-2144(a) and (b)—December 4, 2012 State Water Resources Control Board Meeting
Dear Chairman Hoppin and Members of the Board:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) submits these comments on the October 29, 2012 proposed order in SWRCB/OCC Files A-2144(a) and (b) (Revised Proposed Order). The Revised Proposed Order consists of a revised version of the proposed order released for public review and comment on May 14, 2012 (May Proposed Order). The Revised Proposed Order involves the potential resolution of the State Water Resources Control Board’s (State Water Board’s) own motion review involving Waste Discharge Requirements Order
No. R5-2010-01141 (WDRs) for the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District’s (District’s) Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP).
Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and Tulare Lake Basin
Dear Ms. Littlejohn:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) and California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and Tulare Lake Basin to Establish a Region-‐Wide Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use Evaluation Process in Agriculturally Dominated Surface Water Bodies and Remove the MUN Beneficial Use from 231 Constructed or Modified Ag Drains in the San Luis Canal Company (Draft Amendments). CVCWA is a non-‐profit association of public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. We approach these matters with the perspective of balancing environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. For 60 years, CASA has been the leading voice for public wastewater agencies on regulatory, legislative and legal issues. We are an association of local agencies, engaged in advancing the recycling of wastewater into usable water, generation of renewable energy, and other valuable resources. Through these efforts we help create a clean and sustainable environment for Californians.
Central Valley Clean Water Association’s Comments Regarding Final Staff Draft Delta Plan
Dear Chairman Isenberg and Council Members:
On behalf of the Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA), we appreciate the opportunity to provide comments to the Final Staff Draft Delta Plan (Final Draft Plan). CVCWA is a nonprofit association of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) throughout the Central Valley whose primary mission is to represent Central Valley wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling agencies in regulatory matters while balancing environmental and economic interests. Many of CVCWA’s members will be directly impacted by the Delta Plan and have a
significant interest in its development and implementation.
Comments on Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R5-2013-XXXX, Planada Community Services District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Merced County
Dear Mr. Harvey:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) appreciates the opportunity to submit these comments on the tentative Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R5-2013-XXXX, Planada Community Services District Wastewater Treatment Facility (Tentative Order). CVCWA is a non-profit association of public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment, and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. We approach these matters with the perspective of balancing environmental and economic interests consistent with state and federal law. In this spirit, we provide the following comments regarding the Tentative Order’s requirements for Salinity and Nutrient Management Plans.
Comments on June 2012 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Draft Framework
Dear Ms. Sullivan:
The Central Valley Clean Water Association (CVCWA) offers these comments for consideration by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) staff on the Delta Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) June 14, 2012 Draft Framework
(Draft Framework). CVCWA represents more than 50 public agencies located within the Central Valley region that provide wastewater collection, treatment and water recycling services to millions of Central Valley residents and businesses. There are no fewer than fourteen publically owned treatment works (POTW) and combined sewer system (CSS) member agencies within the legally defined Delta.